Berry Smoothie Pup Pops

Berry Smoothie Pup Pops are the perfect summer treat for your precious pups!

Time: 15 minutes (5-6 hours in freezer)


• 1/2 cup oatmeal

• 1 cup plain yogurt

• 1 1/2 cup strawberries (diced) • 1/2 cup blue berries

1. Combine oatmeal, yogurt, blue berries and 1 cup strawberries in a blender and blend until smooth.

2. In a silicone mold of your choice (shallow, larger molds are easier for pups to hold onto and eat), scatter in remaining strawberries.

3. Spoon over the blended mixture, filling the molds evenly, and smoothing over the top.

4. Lightly tap the mold on a table or counter top to remove any bubbles.

5. Freeze for 5-6 hours or overnight.

6. Once the pops are frozen, remove them from the mold and enjoy!

Pops can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.

The inspiration: container-18604


Responsible Dog Ownership Month is coming!